Meet dana
I am a prairie-born turned West-Coast girl. I live on Vancouver Island on the traditional unceded territory of the Campbell River First Nations Laich-kwil-tach (Ligwilda'xw) and Kwakwakaʼwakw People. I am honoured to live on this sacred land, and am grateful for my experience every single day.
Welcome! I am so glad you’re here.
I am a Yoga teacher and always a student; I’m my own boss; a lover of all things healthy and I am an advocate for every woman who ever wanted to be wild but was afraid to be! Hence the reason I wrote a book, which I’ll get to in a minute. Part wanderlust, hippie, luxury lover, earth child and wild child, I am an every day woman first and foremost. Nothing fancy here. The photos you see are unfiltered and definitely not photoshopped. One of if not THE most important thing I wish to convey and show you first-hand is that we don’t need make-up, filters or anything else to capture our inner and outer beauty or our inner and outer wild. To me wild has and always will mean coming home to one’s Self, however that looks, because at the end of the day connecting to her, our wild, is an inside job. I could insist on photos that make me look younger or less “lived-in”. Instead I share with you all of me and I encourage you to be all of you. However you choose to show up is perfect.
“So wild women wherever in the world you are, let this be your reminder that you are a queen and you deserve to wear that crown proudly. Do what makes you feel happy and whatever it takes to live your best life.”
I became a health and wellness champion when I was a teenager and have dedicated my life to this path ever since. For the past two decades I have studied and worked in the wellness industry; a word that always feels funny to describe something that is in fact pure, natural and within each of us. It was however the work mainly within large organizations where I saw and experienced the gap between true wellness and “lip service” that inspired me to create and run two successful Yoga businesses, one for adults and one for youth. I wanted to create a safe space for people of any age to share, learn, grow, evolve and expand; to (re)discover who they are and how they want to move through the world.
My unwavering belief and experience is that when we honour all aspects of our well-being including our truth, our worth and our vitality, we become more balanced, content and peaceful individuals.

What i do.
I educate and guide you through holistic and natural self-care practices that will enhance all areas of your life.
I advocate for starting where you are on your wellness journey and I meet you there.
I support you in being yourself and nothing but yourself.
I earned my degree in Physical Activity and Sports Studies, and post-degree honours diploma in Wellness and Lifestyle Management.
I supplemented this education with certifications in fitness for adults and seniors; reflexology; and Yoga, for youth and adults.
I developed yoga and wellness camps for kids, taught in schools, and in my own Yoga studio.
I worked in post-secondary settings as a Health Promotions manager where I developed, planned and oversaw numerous employee wellness programs as well as large-scale annual health conferences and trade shows. It was in fact this experience that led me to study Yoga so deeply, and discover how I could bring the ancient healing practices to the modern day woman seeking to come home to herself.
I encourage simple and approachable lifestyle choices that will transform your health.
I offer practical, everyday and fun ways to eat and nourish your WHOLE you.
Nothing jazzes me more than gathering women together to explore our awesOMness, our passions and our gifts. Facilitating retreats and workshops allows women to share ideas, support one another, and cultivate an environment for growth, expansion and evolution. I have hosted several wellness retreats and they never cease to amaze me! Read more about this under Wellness Services.
I luuuuuuv being my own healthy barista! Visit the “my favourite company” section to learn about my Sipology journey and how it changed my life!
At 45, I published my first book; Release Your Inner Wild, the modern day women’s guide to reconnecting with your true Self; honouring your health, passion and power. Writing this book reminded me that we are truly capable of doing whatever it is we decide and that the timing of our life is actually perfect, ups, downs and all. I have had many joys, many pains and everything in between. What I am most certain of is that we are here to grow, to evolve and to love. And it all starts with us.
A little bit about my brand.
Release Your Inner Wild was the tagline for my yoga studio Wild Pose Yoga, before it became the name of my first book, and then took on a life of its own as my brand for two solid and amazing years. Dana Mahon Wellness is simply and evolution and expansion on of this!
About this site: Inspired by the serene feeling of beaches and oceans (my favourite places on earth to be), the wild dreaminess of feathers floating freely, and by the vibration, beauty and fluidity of these combined in the dance of nature that is both wild and soft.
I am continually grounded by the sand and the rocks of our west coast beaches, carried and cradled by the ebbs and flows of the ocean’s tides, warmed and comforted by the warmth of a wild beach fire, and caressed by both the softness and power of a raven’s feather.
Blessings, thank you for visiting, and I look forward to connecting with you.
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Want to talk more about your wellness journey?
I’m always so excited to meet new and inspiring people.